
2012年12月25日 | 分类: 生活点滴, 转载备份 | 标签:

微博上看到一篇介绍g-f-w的文章,从技术层面分析了某广为人知的系统的关键技术点,包括IP Blocking、DNS Injection、TCP Reset等,同时指出了当前正火热的云计算和IPv6也给该系统带来了更多挑战,最后一段很发人深省。

Once China opened its door to the world, it could not close it again. The dramatic series of events that took place recently during the Arab Spring demonstrated the power of the Internet to change autocratic societies, and spurred the Chinese government to spare no effort to improve Internet censorship systems. It is naive to expect that the Chinese government will give up its censorship activities in the near future; however, it is impossible to shut down the Internet now. The tussle and the arms race will continue at least into the near future.

see more @ http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2405036
or download @ http://blog.nklike.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/gfw.pdf
